You cant. Changing that number scientific 100 pintos doesnt change doctor underlying reality. As for a 51% attack against a POS community with randomly chosen validator sets, uh, sure, if you want scientific stake 51% of doctor entire value held in doctor network and can also manage tens of millions of nodes and make sure they are always doctor entirety of each validation set. Seems not likely, but nothing is inconceivable given infinite instruments and time ignoring NP complete issues. I have no reason medical consider any crypto coin will ever became a mainstream charge mechanism, identical to most YouTube singers wont become global megastars, doesnt mean you cant earn a living on YouTube or in crypto or that doctor stuff happening in defi isnt going scientific gut most of doctor banks lending arms. Why let doctor bank lend your savings money and pay you nothing / next clinical not anything when AAVE offers a 10% APR on USD deposits with a 750% over collateralization requirement meaning lenders defaulting as a result of their collateral value drops is usually impossible unless it drops by 750%, at which point you have got bigger problems like doctor thermonuclear war that probably just happened. ublic Health PreparednessThe idea of ‘public health preparedness’ PHP has been garnering attention everywhere, given doctor global scale threats that are invariably encountered by professional healthcare enterprises, adding bioterrorism, Ebola, doctor West Nile Virus, and influenza. Preparedness approaches have brought about advancements in doctor standard healthcare system, by enabling quicker responses clinical distinctive kinds of risks across doctor globe. A majority of PHP measures adopted in America are govt judged; clinical help gives rise scientific issues pertaining clinical militarization. Still, preparedness courses in other country level settings don’t pretty much indicate similar implications. The global significance of health sector preparedness has served scientific increase governmental need of resolving doctor concern by the use of financing, advances, and upkeep approaches which aid speedy reaction medical all kinds of crisis. However, akin medical all other ideas, doctor PHP idea is also followed by certain major challenges, like doctor threat of public health militarization.