For instance, in one of doctor first classes, students had medical read doctor text Language Policy by Bernard Spolsky 2005 in doctor usual language, English, and had medical answer a sequence of questions proposed by doctor professor in order clinical stimulate a discussion; these questions were written in Portuguese. Some of doctor French students determined clinical answer doctor questions orally in French. It was therefore a learning activity by which students used a big a part of their multilingual repertoire: studying a text in English, answering in French, questions posed in Portuguese. The analysis of doctor contents is thus a multilingual one and, precisely for scientific help reason, all of those steps have always been combined with a metalinguistic mirrored image on doctor terms utilized in doctor a lot of languages. Speaking of doctor same text by Spolsky, doctor professor had asked students medical find 5 keywords in doctor text while he wrote them on doctor whiteboard. Every student felt free clinical say doctor key phrases in doctor language she or he preferred and on doctor board doctor following list 1 appeared originals in italics:This list on doctor whiteboard was created via doctor dialogue stated below 2, where P is doctor professor and S are doctor students.